Geidel Guerra
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Who am I?

My name is Geidel Guerra. I'm a self taught developer with formal studies, interested in low-level programming, web applications and making games.

I started learning to code using Macromedia Flash 8's offline help, making a phone book app to store phone numbers of StarCraft players (back then we used dialup peer to peer connections to play using phone numbers). I did other stuff I don't remember. Fast forward in time, after finishing school (IT Bachelor) and dropping out of University in third year (IT Engineer) my first job was making games with Unity. After that I have been developing web applications that range from simple portfolio websites to complex e-commerce multi-tenancy Saas, command line tools to automate processes, browser extensions, configuring CI pipelines and Linux servers.

I like my job and always do my best. I have a broad set of skills that makes me easy to align to any kind of task.

Currently learning how to make games.




  • OS Debian 12
  • Editor VSCode, NeoVim
  • Terminal Tmux
  • Shell ZSH


  • Bachelor Degree, Information Technology

    Politécnico Mártires de Chile, Havana, Cuba
    2002 - 2006 (4 years)
  • Engineer's degree, Information Technology

    Universidad Tecnológica de La Habana "José Antonio Echeverría", CUJAE, Havana, Cuba
    2006 - 2009 (3 years)

Experience (11 years)

  • Founder

    2024-10 - Present (less than a year)
    Founder and Developer
    Tech: Laravel, HTMX
  • Freelancer

    2024-09 - Present (less than a year)
    Tech: PHP, JavaScript, Python, Go, MySQL, Vue, Laravel
  • Senior Software Developer

    2023-02 - 2024-08 (1.5 year)
    Introduced unit tests to existing projects in PHP. Improved MySQL queries performance by 400%. Created new internal tools to improve customer support by adding AI to the mix. Created internal Chrome extension to improve customer support by leveraging the AI capabilites.
    Tech: Python, PHP, HTMX, Flask, MySQL, MongoDB, AWS, Docker, Browser Extensions, AI Prompt, Chatbot
  • CTO / Senior Software Developer

    2020-08 - 2023-02 (2 years)
    Developed two Saas projects from scratch, with third-party integrations to social networks and multitenancy, using Laravel, Vue and MySQL. As CTO and Lead Programmer I managed a small team of developers.
    Tech: PHP, JavaScript, MySQL, VueJs, Laravel, Forge, Vapor, AWS, SaaS, API, ChartsJs
  • Content Manager / Maintainer

    2018-06 - 2022-04 (4 years)
    Content administrator and overall maintenance.
    Tech: Wordpress
  • Fullstack Developer

    2019-02 - 2020-12 (1.9 year)
    Developed an ecommerce web application with a 3D viewers and a custom backend administration panel. I also configured all the services on AWS
    Tech: JavaScript, PHP, MySQL, ThreeJS, Vue, SaaS, API
  • Fullstack Developer

    2014-12 - 2018-05 (4 years)
    Developed the official website and internal tooling for content administration
    Tech: JavaScript, PHP, MySQL, Vue, Laravel
  • Videogame Developer

    2013-10 - 2014-12 (1.2 year)
    Implemented player movement and gameplay.
    Tech: Unity3D


  • Matrix rain in the Terminal (Go)

    Matrix rain in the Terminal (Go)

    Crappy implementation of the Matrix rain with Go
  • Snake Game in the Terminal (Go)

    Snake Game in the Terminal (Go)

    Snake game in the terminal with Go
  • Tic Tac Toe (PHP)

    Tic Tac Toe (PHP)

    Tic Tac Toe game in one PHP file
  • Platformer (Raylib)

    Platformer (Raylib)

    Platformer basics in Odin with Raylib
  • Trigonometry


    Trigonometry visualizations in C with Raylib
  • Boids


    Steering behaviours simulation in C with Raylib
  • Space Invaders

    Space Invaders

    Space invaders game in C with Raylib
  • Know Your Craft Website

    Know Your Craft Website

    Website with a compilation of cheatsheets for different languages
  • Snake Game

    Snake Game

    Snake game made in C with Raylib
  • Crunchyroll Enhancer

    Browser extension that skips Crunchyroll intros and credits
  • Conway's Game of Life in Python

    Conway's Game of Life in Python

    Conway's Game of Life Algorithm simulation CLI app
  • Klipers Saas

    Klipers Saas

    Saas to aggregate and display metrics from multiple sources. I developed the UI, added the integrations with third party APIs like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, did server configuration and deployment. Tech used: Laravel, VueJs, InertiaJs, TailwindCSS, ChartsJs. Hosted on AWS with Laravel Vapor
  • Contegy Saas

    Contegy Saas

    Saas to managed Content Marketing campaigns. I developed the UI, added multi-tenant architecture, integrations with third party APIs like Facebook, Instagram, Google Analytics, Twitter, LinkedIn, did server configuration and deployment. Tech used: Laravel, VueJs, InertiaJs, TailwindCSS, ChartsJs. Hosted on AWS with Laravel Forge and Envoyer
  • Tenza Website

    Tenza Website

    Official website for Tenza Studio with cool 3D animations and a 3D viewer. Tech used: NuxtJs + TailwindCSS + ThreeJs + AnimeJs and Lottie. Hosted on Netlify
  • Alberto Hernandez Reyes Personal Website

    Alberto Hernandez Reyes Personal Website

    Official website for a Cuban painter. Tech used: NuxtJs + TailwindCSS. Hosted on Netlify
  • La Tinta Magazine Website

    La Tinta Magazine Website

    Official website for the first body art magazine in Cuba. Tech used: NuxtJs + TailwindCSS. Hosted on Netlify
  • PlaceArt Website

    PlaceArt Website

    Saas for selling art online. A work on the frontend, backend, 3D viewer for art showcase and server configuration and deployment. Tech used: NuxtJs + Laravel + ThreeJs + AFrame
  • Fábrica de Arte Cubano Website

    Fábrica de Arte Cubano Website

    Official website. I developed both frontend and backend (with a custom programming of events's calendar and editor). Tech used: Laravel 5 + Bootstrap + jQuery
  • Gráfica Interactiva II (with Serones Art Group)

    Gráfica Interactiva II (with Serones Art Group)

    A collaboration with the cuban art group called Serones. I programmed the 3D navigation system, event triggers and illumination. Tech used: Unity3D